Archie the penguin

By Michael Skywood Clifford 1977

Archie the Penguin
Marched from the Artic
Became a rich bedouin
And tanned on his feathers
He hated the icycles
And the weather of polar bears
So decided to bicycle
Across the Sahara

This sun tanned and feather friend
Pedalled and pedalled
And pedalled and pedalled
And pedalled and pedalled
And pedalled and pedalled
Until he saw sea.
The people were waiting
Some celebrating
They pinned him with medals
And gave him fresh tea.
There were people abounding
To put their arms around him
“Oh what a brown skin
How brave can you be?”

Archie the Penguin
Was happy in Cairo
By road or by rail
He travelled no more;
He put up his flippers
And slippered,
By the light of the stars,
Described what really happened
In his memoirs.

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