Useful tips if you have never made bread before.

1. take your time – enjoy making it.
This won’t be easy the first few times because it is difficult to know
what the consistency of the dough should be.
I used to panic but I don’t any
more –
if it is too
sticky add more flour – if it is too dry,
have some spare tepid water on hand and slosh it in as you go.

Verging on sticky is better than dry – too dry won’t rise so well and will be crumbly.

2. Buy equal quantities of strong wholemeal flour and strong white flour
and mix it half and half, that way ‘white bread’ people are happy
and they still get the roughage!

3. Allow PLENTY of time. It can take at least 30 minutes for bread to double in size

4. Use the largest mixing bowl you have, you need plenty of room to move the ingredients around after the water is added ingredients makes four 1lb loaves

1.5kg of mixed white and wholemeal strong bread flour
3 sachets fast acting dried yeast teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
2 tablespoons linseed
2 Tablespoons virgin olive oil
1 level tablespoon sugar
1 litre of warm to tepid water

Sprinkle the yeast into the warm/tepid water and mix in with an egg whisk.
Add the sugar and whisk again add the oil and whisk again
(if you would like a ciabatta dough, double the
leave to work until if is robustly frothy on the top
Place the flours in the mixing bowl with the salt. Add the seeds.
Make a well in the centre of the flour and add the litre of yeasted water.
Mix slowly – it will be sticky at first but when the flour has absorbed the water.
ou may need to add more so have ready another 150 ml of tepid water.
Mix until all of the liquid is absorbed and then turn out onto a floured surface and Continue kneading the dough (pushing away with the heel of the hand and bringing back to the centre) for approx 7 minutes.
if the dough
becomes too sticky to work add a light dusting of flour and continue.

Place back into the mixing bowl, cover with cling film and place in a warmish place – I put it to one side on the work surface if the kitchen is warm) and leave it to double in size – this can take at least 30 minutes. turn out onto flour surface and continue kneading for a further 5 minutes.
Oil four 1lb bread tins and divide the dough equally between them.
Again cover with cling film and leave to double in size – this again can take 30 minutes.
Place in oven – temp 175 deg. for 30 minutes.
Take out of tin and tap
the bottom of the loaf. If it does not sound hollow return to oven for further 10 minutes.


6 large carrots
2 medium onions
2 mushrooms
5 ozs (five heaped tablespoons) of red split lentils
2 tablespoons of oil
2 organic (preferably) vegetable stock cubes
pinch of dried crushed chilli
(more or less according to taste)
1.5 litres of water

Slice the carrots and onions
Chop the mushrooms finely
(mushrooms always make the soup taste better whatever sort you are making.)
Heat the oil in a large saucepan
Add the carrots, onions and mushrooms,
Saute for a couple of minutes.
Add the lentils and continue for 30 seconds
Add the two stock cubes and one litre of water
And a pinch of dried crushed chilli.
Put lid on pan and bring to the boil
Then turn down the heat
Simmer gently for 40 minutes or until the lentils are soft.
You will need to add the remaining water
After about 10 minutes because the lentils will absorb the water.
Allow to cool and liquidise the soup, adding salt and pepper to taste

Wednesday, February 05, 2003 2:24 PM


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